Scratching that Itch!
Your Pets Health

Scratching that Itch!

Here at the clinic we’re starting to see a significant number of our patients coming in with fleas. This season, the prevalence of fleas is a bit higher than normal. Being in a community located next to two great parks increases the chance of transmission between animals. With summer winding down and fall weather approaching, … Continue reading

Signs that Your Pet is Having a Negative Reaction to Vaccines
Your Pets Health

Signs that Your Pet is Having a Negative Reaction to Vaccines

While vaccinating animals is probably the most regular appointment booked in veterinary clinics, there is always a risk for dangerous vaccine reactions to occur that neither you or your veterinarian can anticipate. Here is an explained list of some major indicators that your animal needs medical attention: Sleepy, depressed animals that are uninterested in eating … Continue reading

The Healing Power of Animal Companionship
Your Pets Health

The Healing Power of Animal Companionship

If you own an animal, large or small, you may have already noticed the positive effects they’d had on your well-being. For decades, studies have shown time and time again how animals are therapeutic for humans. Nursing homes and hospitals are frequently visited by therapeutic dogs (and less commonly, cats) to visit patients with dementia … Continue reading